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Overcoming challenges of bundled payments

In the transition from fee-for-service to value-based care, providers are embracing bundled payment models where reimbursements are based on the expected costs for an episode of care comprised of all services the patient receives to treat a medical condition within a specific time period.

In this episode, we’re joined by two healthcare leaders from AdventHealth and Premier Inc. that tackle these questions:

  • Why are episode-based care delivery models and bundled payment programs significant?
  • How did the AdventHealth team convince hospital staff to buy in as it implemented these new processes? What was it like to retrain employees?
  • Why should healthcare organizations standardize their data and implement a real-time analytic tool for bundled payments?
  • What obstacles does a multi-hospital system like AdventHealth need to overcome to ensure the financial and operational success of an episode-based care model?
  • Will we see any major developments in the coming year, in five years or in the next generation?